Bringing home plants is an exciting thing. It is almost like adding a new member to the family. You have to assign it a proper space, make sure it gets everything it needs to survive and thrive. Bringing home indoor plants is a very wise choice as it has innumerous benefits. It cleans the air inside your house, improves your mood, increases your productivity and makes your living spaces more attractive. Getting different kinds of cacti like Peruvian cactus or Montrose cactus is a very good place to begin. They are not the toughest plants to maintain, but provide all the benefits that you get in other plants. However, to make sure your cacti last a long time, you must keep the following things in mind.
Provide sun, but not too much of it
The common assumption that cacti, being native to arid and sun-drenched environments such as deserts, require abundant sunlight is a misconception. While they do need sunlight to thrive, prolonged exposure to direct sunlight can be detrimental, causing them to burn. For indoor cacti, it is advisable to place them in a location where they can receive five to six hours of sunlight daily, such as a well-lit corner or near a window. If you have the advantage of an outdoor space like a patio or yard, cacti can benefit from the natural environment, though it is crucial to limit their direct sun exposure to no more than eight hours to prevent browning or yellowing. Should signs of overexposure appear, it is important to relocate them to a shadier spot to recover. For those interested in purchasing indoor house plants, offers a selection online.

Water is essential
Many people purchase cacti under the assumption that they are low-maintenance plants that only require sunlight to thrive. This common misconception overlooks the fact that cacti, while requiring less hydration than other houseplants, still necessitate regular watering when kept indoors. It is advisable to inspect the soil biweekly; if the top two to three inches feel dry, it is an indication that the cactus needs watering. During the rainy season, placing them outdoors can be beneficial as it naturally reduces the frequency of manual watering. A telltale sign of dehydration in cacti is the appearance of wrinkles near the base, signaling the need for thorough soil saturation. Although it may seem counterintuitive, a parched cactus can rapidly absorb a significant amount of water.
Kind of soil is very important
Every plant has different requirements when it comes to soil. Apple cactus or Peruvian apple cactus Arizona need to be placed in soil that contains a healthy mix of rocks and sand to ensure the water is drained out properly. The root begins to rot if water is not drained out. The same goes for fertilizers. You should use fertilizers recommended for succulents. However, water the soil first before you add fertilizers so as to not burn the roots. Cacti are not big eaters and do not a lot off fertilization. Add fertilizers to the soil two to three times a year.
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