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What Soil Should be Used For Succulents - Varnish + Vine

What Soil Should be Used For Succulents

If you're new to succulents, you may wonder what soil is best for them. Succulents can be tricky plants to care for, but using the right soil can make a big difference.


In this article, we will discuss the different types of soil used for succulents and how to make your own soil mix. We'll also cover common soil problems and how to prevent them. So whether you're just starting out or you've been growing succulents for years, we have something for you!

What Kind of Soil Should You Use For Succulents?

When choosing the right soil for your succulents, there are a few things to consider. The first is drainage. Succulents need well-draining soil so that they don't get too much water. If the soil doesn't drain well, the roots can rot, and the plant will die.


Succulents need nutrient-rich soil so that they can grow and thrive. You can either use a succulent-specific potting mix or add some organic matter to your existing soil. Aeration is also an essential feature for succulents as they need air to their roots to grow properly. An excellent way to ensure that your soil has enough aeration is to check to see if it contains perlite or pumice.


Most succulents prefer slightly acidic soils with a pH level between five and six. You can test your soil's pH levels with a soil test kit. Many pre-made soils are made specifically for succulents and have the correct pH levels ready to go.


The last thing to mention isn't so much about soil but the pot. You'll need to choose the right container for your succulents. They need a pot with drainage holes so that excess water can escape.


Now that you know what to look for in a good soil mix let's discuss how to make your own!

How To Make Your Own Soil For Succulents

To create a healthy environment for your succulents, it's important to start with the right soil mix. A typical succulent soil mix should be sand, potting soil, and perlite or pumice. This mixture will ensure that your plants have adequate drainage while still being able to retain some moisture.


You can also add a small amount of compost or peat moss to help drainage. Once you've mixed all the ingredients together, test the pH levels before planting. By taking the time to create a healthy foundation, you'll give your succulents the best chance for success.


You can purchase succulent soil at most garden stores if you don't want to make your own soil mix. Just be sure to check the labels and look for a mix specifically designed for succulents.

Common Soil Problems For Succulents

One of the most common problems with succulents is overwatering. This occurs when the roots sit in water for too long and begin to rot. To prevent this, make sure that your soil has good drainage and only water your plants when the soil is dry.


Fungal diseases can be a major problem for succulents. Overwatering is one of the most common reasons for fungal growth, as the moist conditions provide an ideal environment for spores to develop.


Poorly-draining soil can also contribute to the problem, as waterlogged roots are more susceptible to infection. If you notice any white, fuzzy growth on your plants, it's important to remove the affected leaves and improve the drainage of your soil.


Pests can also be a problem for succulents. The most common pests are aphids, mealybugs, and scale insects. These pests can suck the nutrients out of your plants and cause them to die. If you notice any pests on your succulents, treat them immediately.


While nutrients are essential for the health of your succulents, too many nutrients can actually be harmful. Excess nutrients can cause the leaves to become thick and fleshy, reducing the plant's ability to photosynthesize. In addition, too much nitrogen can cause the plant to produce more leaves than it can support, leading to fungal growth and disease.


If you suspect that your succulent is getting too many nutrients, flush the soil with water to remove any excess fertilizer. Then, cut back on the amount of fertilizer you use and monitor the plant closely to ensure that it is getting the right amount of nutrients.

Best Soil For Different Types of Succulents

Now that we've gone over some general tips for choosing the right soil mix let's discuss the best soil for different types of succulents.

Air Plants

Air plants are a type of succulent that thrive in hot, dry conditions. They get their name from their ability to grow without soil instead of taking all the nutrients they need from the air. Air plants are native to countries like Mexico and Guatemala, where they live in forests, trees, and cacti.


While they can technically grow in soil, they prefer to grow in water or sand. This is because soil can hold onto moisture, leading to root rot. If you do choose to use soil, be sure to select a very well-draining mix.


Cacti are a type of succulent that have adapted to living in dry conditions. They can store water in their leaves, stem, or roots, which helps them survive in arid environments. As a result, cacti don't need much soil to thrive.


A good cactus mix should be about three parts sand, three parts potting soil, and two parts perlite or pumice. Be sure to add some gravel to the soil to help with drainage.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera plants are native to arid regions and prefer slightly sandy soils with good drainage. These plants need a soil mix that contains sand, pumice, perlite, and pine bark with a neutral or slightly alkaline pH level.


Aloe vera plants are tolerant of a wide range of soils, but they will not thrive in poorly-drained soils that are constantly wet.


Looking after a succulent can be easy as long as you choose the right soil mix. By following these tips, you can ensure that your succulent will have the best chance of a long life.

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